Friday, July 17, 2020

How I win my First Job

It was wayback 2013 and a newly fresh graduate with nothing to start over with.
You may think after graduation everything will be settled and go on according to your dream job but it's not. Honestly you will go back to step 1 but step 1 with full of knowledge and determination for a brighter future.

Going back we were a set 5 person who travelled Makati to apply to a job referred to by one of my friends. This company is an ITO company in Ayala that accepts fresh graduate. Below are the series of exams and interview I wen through.

1. Exam, this is the first steps ofcourse, if you will apply on an ITO you should know basic trouble shooting and knowledge in MS office, more on a technical knowledge.

2. First interview, here they will ask you about your self, your expectations and behavior as this is an HR interview, watch out for my tips on the questions being asked in an interview. You should be prepared and research interview questions to pass it.

3. Final interview, this is more on a technical interview about how you are going to resolve an issue and how you will deal with an irate person, as a beginner I relate the answers based on what I've experienced during my OJT. 

4. Wait for the call, gladly I was hired after waiting for a week. I was happy because I thought It will take me time to find a job. 

Let me know your experience too 😉


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